Adevinta ASA – Mandatory notification of trade

Primary insider in Schibsted ASA, Christian Printzell Halvorsen, EVP Nordic Marketplaces in Schibsted, sold on 25 October 2,000 shares in Adevinta ASA at a price of NOK 99.50 per share. On the same day, Tankeverket AS, a company owned 50% by Christian Printzell Halvorsen and 50% by his wife Margareth Hol Røed, bought 3,000 shares in Adevinta ASA at a price of 99.40 per share.

After the transactions, Christian Printzell Halvorsen holds no shares in Adevinta ASA directly, whereas  Tankeverket AS holds 3,000 shares in Adevinta ASA.

Adevinta ASA is 59.3% owned subsidiary of Schibsted ASA.

Oslo, 28 October 2019

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act