Adevinta ASA (ADE) – Repurchase of shares by Adevinta ASA

Oslo, 25 May 2022 – Please see below information about transactions made under the buy-back programme for Adevinta ASA.

Date on which the second tranche buy-back programme was announced: 6 April 2022

The duration of the second tranche buy-back programme: no longer than 28 June 2022

Size of the second tranche buy-back programme: up to 6,000,000 shares

From 16 May 2022 until 24 May 2022, Adevinta ASA has purchased a total of 467,301 own shares at the Oslo Stock Exchange at an average price of NOK 64.11 per share.

Aggregated overview of transactions per day:

Date Aggregated volume
(number of shares)
Weighted average
share price (NOK)
Total transaction
value (NOK)
16 May 2022 75,552 65.0848 4,917,287
18 May 2022 78,409 63.117 4,948,941
19 May 2022 75,895 61.0131 4,630,589
20 May 2022 76,228 64.6592 4,928,842
23 May 2022 80,324 64.8012 5,205,092
24 May 2020 80,893 65.8598 5,327,597
Previously disclosed buybacks
under the 2nd tranche programme (accumulated)
1,704,477 69.1177 117,809,547
Total buybacks under the 2nd tranche programme 2,171,778 68.0401 147,767,894

The issuer’s holding of own shares:

Following the completion of the above transactions, Adevinta ASA owns a total of 6,237,528 own shares, corresponding to 0.51% of Adevinta ASA’s share capital.


An overview of all transactions made under the second tranche of the buy-back programme that have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this report and available at and

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
